





  The label on a bottle of wine helps create an image around the wine and is designed to entice the consumer to select this wine. a wine label is also meant to give information. Contrary to some wine labels, which are so complicated they raise more questions than they ans-wer, California wine labels are clear and easy to understand.


  Here is what you should know about California wine labels.

  1 名称 name


  This can be the winery or the brand name.

  2 葡萄酒品种 Wine varietal


  The names of one or more grape varietals may be used only if the wine is also labeled with an appellation of origin. only if at least 75% of the grapes used for that wine is from one speciic varietal, Zinfandel for instance, can the wine label mention “Zinfandel”. The name of two or more varietals may be used if the percentage of the wine derived from each varietal is shown on the label.

  3 原产地名称 appellation of origin


  This is the region where the wine came from.

  4 特殊的葡萄园 Speciic Vineyard


  If the name of an individual vineyard is shown, 95 percent of the grapes in this wine must come from that vineyard. The names of speciic vineyards may only be used on a label in conjunction with an oicially recognized appellation of origin, such as a county or a viticultural area.

  5 年份 Vintage year


  This is the year in which the grapes were harvested. at least 95% of this wine must have been derived from grapes harvested in that year and the wine must be labeled with an appellation of origin.

  6 酒精含量 alcohol


  The alcohol percentage of most California wines is usually between 12% and 14%.

  7 名称和生产者地址 name and address of producer

  “Bottled by”附上的名称和地址是葡萄酒标签强制执行的。在以下内容也被强制加注于“装瓶”。*“Produced by”或“made by,"意为指酒庄的名称葡萄酒的发酵过程至少75%是在指定地点完成的。*“Blended by”意为指定的酒庄在规定的地点把葡萄酒与其它葡萄酒混合在一起。*“Cellared by”, Vinted by”,或 Prepared by”意为指定酒庄的窖藏地点。如果一个葡萄栽培地区的所有葡萄和红酒装瓶企业都是为了生产红酒,才允许加入“Estate bottled”组织。酒庄拥有或者控制这些葡萄园;葡萄酒必须以连续过程生产,其过程没有时间间隙为前提。“bottled by” followed by the name and address of the bottler is mandatory on a wine label. The following words may also be stated in addition to the words “bottled by”:* “produced by” or “made by” means that the named winery fermented at least 75% of the wine at the stated address * “blended by” means that the named winery mixed the wine with other wines at the stated address* “Cellared by”, “Vinted by”, or “Prepared by” means that the named winery sub-jected the wine to cellar treatment at the stated address The term “Estate bottled” is allowed if the bottling winery and the vineyards where all of the grapes for that wine are grown are located in the same viti-cultural area; that the winery owns or controls these vineyards; and that the wine must be produced in a continuous process, the wine at no time having left the premises.