Vinhos D.O.C. (Denominação de Origem Controlada)=DOC Wines (Denomination of Origin controlled)=DOC葡萄酒(原产地名称控制)
V.Q.P.R.D.=Vinho de Qualidade Produzido em Região Demarcada=Wine of Quality at the Demarcated Region Produce=在指定区域生产的优质葡萄酒
I.P.R. (Indicação de Proveniência Regulamentada)=Indication of Provenance Regulation=产地来源标签
CVR =comissões vitivinícolas regionais =Regional committees wine-区域葡萄酒:该葡萄酒不属于DOC或IPR范畴,必须是在指定区域内并且由至少85 %本地生长的葡萄酿造的葡萄酒。(CVRD=Comissões Vitivinícolas Regionais do Dão 登区法定葡萄酒)
garrafeira意思是“最好的一种酒” 。葡萄酒必须保留百分之零点五以上的酒精度和陈满3年: 两年在木桶,一年在瓶子内。
葡萄牙的酒最有代表性的是波尔图红酒。全国有11个DOC(Denominacao de Origem Controlada)产区,约总产量的15%符合标准,其中不不少是烈酒和加烈葡萄酒(Fortified Wine)。DOC以下有32个IPR(Indicacao de Proveniencia Regulamentada)产区,这是相当于法国的VDQS级。再往下便是餐酒Vinho de Mesa Regional。葡萄牙的Reserva(特级)酒必须产自同一年份葡萄并至少有三年的陈年期,并要经过委员会监定。最高级的酒称Garrafeira(加菲),除了有Reserva的条件,红酒至少需在大桶保存二年和瓶中一年才能出厂,白酒则需在桶子及瓶中各半年。
The Denominação de Origem Controlada (or DOC) system from Portugal
The Denominação de Origem Controlada (or DOC) is the system of protected designation of origin for wines, cheeses, butters, and other agricultural products from Portugal.
Portuguese wine regions, as well as producers of several other products, established this system following Portugal\'s entry into the European Union in 1986. It is similar to the French Appellation d\'origine contrôlée (AOC), the Italian Denominazione di origine controllata (DOC), and the Spanish Denominación de Origen (DO) systems. The DOC system replaced the earlier Região Demarcada system of distinguishing Portuguese appellations developed in the early 20th century.
In addition to protecting the designation of origin, the DOC also establishes regulations aimed at maintaining the quality level of the wines associated with a particular wine region. This includes establishing permitted grape varieties, regulating maximum yields at harvest, establishing minimum alcohol content, and periods of bottle or oak aging. Producers are required to submit finished wine samples to a regulating body to ensure compliance with DOC standards.
Other levels
In addition to the top-level DOC designation, there are two secondary tiers: Indicação de Proveniencia Regulamentada (IPR) and Vinho Regional. IPRs are similar to DOC "in training" and indicate regions that have established their own regulating bodies but have not yet established an internationally recognizable identity for their wines. It is similar to the French Vin Délimité de Qualité Superieure (VDSQ) system. Vinho Regional is similar to the French Vin de pays and is sort of a "catchall" classification for wines that do qualify under the DOC or IPR designations.
Denominação de Origem Controlada (或DOC)是对葡萄牙出产的葡萄酒,奶酪,牛油及其他农产品的原产地名称保护制度。
葡萄牙的葡萄酒产区,以及其他几种产品的生产商,确定在这一葡萄牙制度下于1986年加入欧洲联盟。它类似于法国的原产地产区命名制度Appellation d\'origine contrôlée(AOC),意大利的原产地法定地区名称管理制度(DOC),和西班牙的原产地名称管理(DO)体系。DOC 制度取代了早在20世纪初葡萄牙人开发的按早期划定区域标识的原产地名称制度体系。
除了保护原产地名称,DOC 制度还建立了在维持与特定的葡萄酒产区葡萄酒相关的质量水平的规定。这包括规定允许的葡萄品种,规定收获最大产量,制定最低酒精含量,以及瓶装或橡木桶熟化期。生产商必须向规定管理机构提供成品酒样本,以确保符合DOC 标准。
除了顶级DOC的认定外,另外还有两个层次:Indicação de Proveniencia Regulamentada (IPR) (产地来源管制标志,即知识产权识别)和Vinho Regional(地区葡萄酒)。IPR是类似通往DOC的“培训阶段”,并表示该区域建立了自己的规管机构,但尚未设立了他们的葡萄酒为国际公认的身份。它类似于法国Vin Délimité de Qualité Superieure (VDSQ)葡萄酒质量等级监督系统。 产区葡萄酒(VR)是类似于法国餐酒(Vin de pays),以及是对“包罗万象”的葡萄酒按照符合DOC或IPR资格的分类排序认定。